Peer-Reviewed Articles


Nations, J.A., Kohli, B.A., Handika, H. , Achmadi, A.S., Polito, M.J., Rowe, K.C. and Esselstyn, J.A., In Review. Trait-specific patterns of community ecospace occupancy in an insular mammal radiation. bioRxiv, pp.2022-07.


Handika, H. and Esselstyn, J. A. 2024. SEGUL: Ultrafast, memory-efficient and mobile-friendly software for manipulating and summarizing phylogenomic datasets. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Nations, J. A., Handika, H., Mursyid, A., Butsa, R. D., Apandi, Achmadi, A. S. Esselstyn, J. A. 2024. Three new species of shrew (Soricidae: Crocidura) from West Sumatra, Indonesia: elevational and morphological divergence in syntopic sister taxa. Journal of Mammalogy.


Achmadi, A.S., Fahri, F., Gazzard, A., Handika, H., Inayah, N., Kennerley, R.J., Lanusi, A.A., Nangoy, M., Nurdin, M.R.T.J.P. and Rowe, K.C., Sheherazade. 2023. Conservation status and priorities for Sulawesi's unique small mammal fauna. Oryx, 57(6), pp.690-691.

Swanson, M. T., Henson, M. W., Handika, H., Achmadi, A. S., Anita, S., Rowe, K. C., Esselstyn, J. A. 2023. Mycoplasmataceae dominate microbial community differences between gut regions in mammals with a simple gut architecture. Journal of Mammalogy, 104(1), pp.146-158.


Esselstyn, J.A., Achmadi, A.S., Handika, H., Swanson, M. T., Giarla, T.C. and Rowe, K.C., 2021. Fourteen new, endemic species of shrew (genus Crocidura) from Sulawesi reveal a spectacular island radiation. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 454(1), pp.1-108.

Handika, H., Achmadi, A.S., Esselstyn, J.A., and Rowe, K.C. 2021. Molecular and morphological systematics of the Bunomys division (Rodentia: Muridae), an endemic radiation on Sulawesi. Zoologica Scripta, 50(2), pp. 141–154.

Nations, J.A., Mursyid, A., Busta, R.D., Adrian, S. P., Handika, H., Apandi, Achmadi, A. S. and Esselstyn, J. A. 2021. The first report of albinism in a Sundaland endemic rodent. Mammalia, 85(2), pp.168-172.


Harapan, T.S., Agung, A.P., Handika, H., Novarino, W., Tjong, D.H. and Tomlinson, K.W., 2020. New records and potential geographic distribution of Elongated Caecilian, Ichthyophis elongatus Taylor, 1965 (Amphibia, Gymnophiona, Ichthyophiidae), endemic to West Sumatra, Indonesia. Check List, 16(6), pp. 1695-1701.

Winterhoff, M.L., Achmadi, A.S., Roycroft, E.J., Handika, H., Putra, R.T.J., Rowe, K.M.C., Perkins, S. and Rowe, K.C. 2020. Native and introduced trypanosome parasites in endemic and introduced murine rodents of Sulawesi. Journal of Parasitology, 106(5), pp.523-536.


Esselstyn, J.A., Achmadi, A.S., Handika, H., Giarla, T.C. and Rowe, K.C., 2019. A new climbing shrew from Sulawesi highlights the tangled taxonomy of an endemic radiation. Journal of Mammalogy, 100(6), pp.1713-1725. [pdf]


Janra, M.N., Noske, R.A., Chornelia, A., Handika, H., Mursyid, A., Agung, A. and Saputra, A., 2018. A second breeding record of Chestnut-naped Forktails Enicurus ruficapillus in Sumatra, and observations suggesting females alone incubate. Kukila, 21, pp.13-16. [pdf]


Demos, T.C., Achmadi, A.S., Handika, H., Rowe, K.C. and Esselstyn, J.A., 2017. A new species of shrew (Soricomorpha: Crocidura) from Java, Indonesia: possible character displacement despite interspecific gene flow. Journal of Mammalogy, 98(1), pp.183-193. [pdf]


Demos, T.C., Achmadi, A.S., Giarla, T.C., Handika, H., Rowe, K.C. and Esselstyn, J.A. 2016. Local endemism and within‐island diversification of shrews illustrate the importance of speciation in building Sundaland mammal diversity. Molecular ecology, 25(20), pp.5158-5173. [pdf]


Esselstyn, J.A., Achmadi, A.S., Handika, H. and Rowe, K.C., 2015. A hog-nosed shrew rat (Rodentia: Muridae) from Sulawesi Island, Indonesia. Journal of Mammalogy, 96(5), pp.895-907. [pdf]


Handika, H., Nurdin, J. and Rizaldi. 2013. Small Terrestrial Mammals Community on Mount Singgalang, West Sumatra. J. Bio. U. A 2(2), pp.103-109. [pdf]


Handika, H., Achmadi, A.S., Swanson, M. T., Rowe, K.C, and Esselstyn, J.A. 2021. In situ diversification of Murine Rodents on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Oral presentation. The 100th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Virtual.

Handika, H., Achmadi, A.S., Esselstyn, J.A., and Rowe, K.C. 2019. In situ diversification of Bunomys (Muridae) on the isolated, topographically complex island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Oral presentation. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Washington D.C, USA.

Handika, H., Achmadi, A.S., Esselstyn, J.A., and Rowe, K.C. 2018. The geography of diversification among endemic island rodents on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Oral presentation. LSU Museum of Natural Science Seminar, Baton Rouge, USA.

Handika, H., Achmadi, A.S., Esselstyn, J.A., and Rowe, K.C. 2017. Sulawesi after Wallace: multiple murine lineages support within island speciation across the northern peninsula of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Oral presentation. 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth, Australia.

Handika, H. 2017. Cracking Sulawesi Biodiversity Enigma: Veering Indonesian Priorities. Oral presentation. The 36th Indonesia Forum Postgraduate Roundtable, Melbourne, Indonesia.

Handika, H., Achmadi, A.S., Esselstyn, J.A., and Rowe, K.C. 2016. Biogeography and Phylogeny of the Two Most Diverse Murid Rodent Genera on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Oral presentation. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Washington D.C, USA.


The Indonesian Ministry of Finance Magazine, Media Keuangan, June 2017: link. [pdf]

DetikNews-ABC Australia Plus, 16 Januari 2017: link. [pdf]


Science Next: "What Could Recovery Look Like for Blazing Australia?", 27 January 2020. [pdf]

Kompas.Com-ABC Australia Plus: "Kisah Mahasiswa Indonesia Terlibat Penemuan Tikus Hidung Babi", 26 November 2015. [pdf]

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